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Progetti di ricerca
Attività e riconoscimenti
Assegni e borse di ricerca
File Poster_PRINPNRR_Salvadego
Progetto Legal strategies
File Poster_PRINPNRR_Prontera
Progetto Recasting the national interest in Europe
File Poster PRIN_Paolanti
Progetto EXTRA EYE
File Poster_PRIN_Scoppola
Progetto ADAPTA
File Poster PRIN_Gistri
Progetto Customer delight
File Poster PRIN Grimaldi
Progetto UNVEIL
File Poster PRIN_Prontera
Progetto Energy transition
Legal Strategies for Actions and Interactions in the Sustainable Blue Economy
Recasting the national interest in Europe. Institutions, politics and policies for the defense of critical infrastructures and supply chains
EXTRA EYE - Egocentric and eXocenTRic views for An object-level human bEhavior analYsis and undErstanding through tracking in complex spaces
ADAPTA - Assessing and moDelling the trAde and environmental Policy impacT in Agriculture
Customer Delight
Customer delight: toward a new conceptualisation of the construct in technological environments powered by Artificial Intelligence
UNVEIL – Understanding vulnerability to expand insight on local units
ThAI-MIA - Trustworthy hybrid quantum-classical Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image Analysis
Energy Transition
Energy transition, interest groups, incumbent companies and alternative coalitions: navigating the Italian energy policy between the post-pandemic recovery plan and the Russian-Ukrainian war
File Poster PRIN_Tiribelli