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Home News International Youth Program in Hajdubagos, Hungary

International Youth Program in Hajdubagos, Hungary

International Youth Program in Hajdubagos

International Youth Program in Hajdubagos

"Nemzetközi Ifjúsági Önkéntes Program Hajdúbagoson”
“International Youth Program in Hajdubagos”

Volunteer Profile and Recruitment Process
Regarding the volunteer profiles, we think that the following characteristics can be useful both to implement the project with success, and to grant a satisfactory experience to the protagonists.
Interest in the project: Kisködmön IKSZT works towards social change and a fairer society through joint work in different actions: educational and awareness for people of the local community, another in solidarity with immigrant populations in great difficulty, and another, promoting voluntary international program directed mainly to the younger population. Therefore, it is important for volunteers to participate fully in the project, having the desire to contribute actively and agree on the objectives. Under these conditions, the experience can become an opportunity to determine the human and professional growth of the volunteer.
Experiences and competences: Considering the tasks that will be assigned, it’s preferable that volunteers have past experiences of work, either volunteer or paid, in a educational sector and should be sensitive and involved in social issue as immigration, cultural differences and poverty. In addition others useful skills are a predisposition for public relations, data gathering, managing of websites and basic Hungarian skills will be
especially appreciated.
Personality: During the project the volunteers will be in contact with the users of the activities executed by Kisködmön IKSZT, so they should show, overall, adequate social and communicative skills, to let them work in a group, and in a multi cultural context.
In the recruiting process we will reflect the general openness of EVS and the spirit of the Program and we guarantee transparency. Volunteers will be chosen on the basis of their Curriculum Vitae, Motivation Letter and a Skype interview. We invite the volunteers to define their candidature showing the work area in which they would like take part in. All the documents (completed with CV and Motivation Letter) should be sent to:

Context of the Project and Service Description
Since 2004 our association IKSZT Kisködmön works in the sub-regional territory, the area of Derecske-Létavértes, where there are many socially, economically, culturally, or even geographically disadvantaged young people. These youth are currently restricted access information and advisory services (which services are available only in some municipalities and currently available only in Hajdúbagos). These community sites operate in small isolated spot- reaching only few young people and they offer marginally availability of guidance services. There are no volunteer programs for sustainable development.
As mentor the Hajdúbagosi Kisködmön IKSZT coordinates the sub-regional youth job together with all the IKSZT associations of our region. Our aims are to discover all needs and necessities of youth at local level and we do it involving the young people. With them we organise training for volunteers and we help them to create autonomous youth self-organizations.
Our EVS project will involve 2 volunteers coming from Italy, who will be inserted for 6 months, from March 2015, in the context of Kisködmön’s work in the village of Hajdúbagos and its province. In detail, the volunteers involved working closely to Kisködmön’s staff and they will have the opportunity to learn according with the methodology of the “learning by doing”. Actually, the project aims to involve a volunteer in each of the three main action areas in the following activities.
The Development Education and Awareness. The volunteer in this area will be involved in the organization and implementation of several courses, workshops and events with the target to promote knowledge and solidarity values. He/She will take charge of the preparation of the equipments for
participants, communicating with them and welcoming them on arrival, preparing classrooms and guided tours of the many exhibitions. The volunteer will be directly involved in the "solidarity" workshops that daily Kisködmön with the support of other organizations provided in the village and in the province of Hajdúbagos through the project “Nemzetközi Ifjúsági Önkéntes Program Hajdúbagoson”. These activities are aimed at pupils of Primary and Secondary Schools, as well as, groups of all ages belonging to associations or other groups in Hajdúbagos and the province seek to contribute to the education of the students, through knowledge and the promotion of solidarity values, thus awakening attitudes of tolerance, respect and peaceful coexistence.
The promotion of the local and international volunteering. The volunteer implicated in this area will be involved in the promotion, organization and fruition of trade fairs and charity events, exhibitions and raffles promoted by Kisködmön; for planning and carrying out educational activities to realize with children during the events in Hajdúbagos and its province; and in the preparation, participation and delivery of lectures, about local and international volunteering opportunities. Another important contribution of the volunteer will be support the office (project management, mailings, computer maintenance, photo file management, database management, etc.) and the warehouse management (organization of existing materials, installation and removal of exhibits and the warehouse maintenance). Office activities including matters connected with communication, such as writing articles for newspapers, magazines, newsletters, updating and improving our website, sending emails to promote initiatives and events. In this last area, the volunteer will have greater
freedom to design and suggest new volunteering and co-operation projects, promoting their ideas and receiving a support by Kisködmön team.
In all areas the volunteer will have the opportunity to develop his own personal project, contributing with their ideas and experiences to improve Kisködmön activities. This project will grow proportionally throughout the months, during which, the volunteers will enjoy a language training to facilitate the communication inside and outside of the organization.
This will form a regular part of the service and it will consist of Hungarian language classes, designed and adapted for foreigners (inmigrants). The multiculturalism of classes will develop, improve and strengthen the language skills of every users, thus encouraging the active participation.
In the beginning the volunteers will be invited mostly to settle in the organization and will be introduced to the social and environmental context of Hajdúbagos and its province. With this purpose, the volunteers will be hosted in the spare room of Kisködmön. It includes a room with two single beds, a kitchen, a bathroom and a WC.
The volunteers will work for 30/34 hours for a week, including training sessions, monitoring and Hungarian classes. All these moments are mandatory being important for the integration and for improvement of language understanding. Each volunteer have two consecutive days off per week (usually on Saturdays and Sundays), although these may change depending on the specific needs of each work area. At these days of rest they can add others two days off per month in according to their tutors.
On their day offs, the volunteers have the opportunity to spend their free time in Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar’s county town 18 kilometers away from Hajdúbagos, which have many entertainment options and interesting sights. This lively city in the heart of the Carpathian Basin awaits the visitors with a great selection of programs and events, from a number of excellent art exhibitions, folk programs to many sports and leisure events. The outstanding collections of the local museums, the historical monuments of the city or the various and imposing programs of local folk traditions enchant all visitors who wish to explore the marvels of Debrecen: choir festivals, folk festivals, carnivals, breath-taking exhibitions, fairs offer their programs and goods for the visitors. At the same time Debrecen, which is a university centre, is also a place for conferences and scientific meetings, and this serves the active and organic cooperation of the city’s economic, scientific, educational and cultural life.

If they want to see a more natural place, the volunteers can go to Lake Vekeri which is 13 kilometers away from Debrecen. It is the busiest and the most well developed recreation centre of the Erdőspuszta area, the ideal place for one-day excursions, class outings and camps. Rowing and fishing on the lake is allowed.
Buffet, playground, paddle boat and boat hiring as well as facilities for horseback-riding and camping are available.

Accommodation and food costs will be paid by Kisködmön and the volunteer will receive a monthly pocket money of 90 €. Local travel costs (bus) are also covered by the association.
For the travel cost there is contribution based on the travel distance per participant from their place of residence to the venue of the activity and return (a maximum of 275 € for each). In any case, before completing the purchase of the ticket (just one-way) the volunteer or the sending organization will have to contact with the coordinator of the project, who will give the authorization to go on with the purchase of the ticket.

Application (CV and motivation letter) must be sent to:
Application deadline: 15 April 2015